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for attending
My Dad's Bigger Than Your Dad Festival

We want your attendance of the festival to be as enjoyable and unproblematic as possible, so here is some guidance and information that will hopefully answer any questions you may have leading up to the event.


In accordance with the government guidance, COVID passes are no longer required for those who are attending events. If you are suffering from any symptoms, it is recommended that you take a lateral flow test before you attend and please do not attend if you test positive.


You can purchase tickets online via the link on our home page, or in person at Holmes Music (SN1 5AR), The Tuppenny (SN1 4BD) or Future Planning (SN1 5PD). There will also be tickets available in person at various events in the lead up the event - follow our social media pages for more info.


Ticket types available:

  • Adult -                             

        Over 18 years old (proof of age may be required)

  • Family -                           

        Two adults and two under 18s


        One adult and three under 18s

  • U18 / Concession -           

        Children aged 11-17 (must be accompanied by an adult)

        Over 65s

        Disabled Persons and their Nominated Companion (see below for more info)

        Student or Blue Light Card Holders (relevant ID required at time of purchase if in person or on the gate if  purchased online)

**Under 10s go free (must be accompanied by an adult)

Entering The Festival

Upon arrival at the turnstiles to the Bowl, you will need to present a valid ticket and, for adult ticket holders who appear under 25 years old, legal proof of your age (eg: Passport or Driving Licence).  If these are all in order then you will be given a wristband and granted entry to the festival.


As per standard UK licensing laws, festival staff / security reserve the right to refuse you entry and / or eject you from the festival, including for any of the following reasons:

 - if in the festival staff’s opinion you are acting under the influence of drugs or the excessive influence of alcohol;

 - if you use abusive, threatening or insulting words or actions, or if you behave in a manner that could affect the enjoyment of other attendees (ie: basically don’t be a dick);

 - if you refuse to comply with any festival staff’s security searches or any other reasonable requests.


SIA badged security will be present with police in attendance.

Accessibility To The Bowl

The park and Bowl is fully accessible with ramping to all areas, although please be aware that some areas can be uneven and due caution should be used when navigating the park and Bowl.


Accessible portable toilets will be provided throughout the festival, along with the standard and disabled access toilets provided in the park by South Swindon Parish Council.


You will be eligible to purchase a Concession ticket, and if you require an assistant or carer to enable you to attend the festival, then your Nominated Companion will also be eligible for a Concession ticket to attend the festival with you. 


We will need one of the following to confirm eligibility:


  • PIP (Personal Independence Payment) award letter

  • DLA, care and / or mobility award letter

  • Blue Badge

  • Letter from a medical professional

  • D/deaf or blind registration

  • The Access Card or equivalent with a +1 icon for PA ticket.


This can be presented upon purchase if tickets are being bought in person, or on the gate if tickets are bought online. However, we know that you may not always be comfortable bringing these items out to a festival and so we are more than happy to accept scanned copies or pictures via our email address


No dogs are allowed into the Bowl at any time during the festival, with the exception of Assistance dogs which must be clearly identified as working (including guide dogs, emotional support dogs, hearing dogs, dogs’ for the Disabled and dogs for teaching purposes by the Animal Welfare and Veterinary Nursing Team).


Please feel free to contact us on or via our social media pages if you have any questions at all.

Alcohol & Drugs

With this being an all day event, running for 10 hours, if you are drinking alcohol then please do so responsibly, knowing your limits, and those of your friends, as drunk people can ruin everyone else’s fun.  Pace yourself, drink plenty of water and soft drinks in between alcoholic drinks - especially if it is a hot day - and make sure you eat throughout the day as drinking on an empty stomach can have disastrous consequences.


If you are concerned that someone requires assistance due to excessive drinking please speak to a member of the festival or bar staff who can assist.


​No alcohol is to be brought into the Bowl (searches will take place on entry / re-entry to the Bowl), however a bar is being provided onsite by The Tuppenny with a majority of the profits graciously donated to the festival for operational costs / fundraising for Swindon’s Prospect Hospice.


As per standard UK licensing laws you need to be 18+ to purchase and / or consume alcohol at the festival and bar staff reserve the right to refuse to serve alcohol to anyone appearing to have consumed excessive amounts of alcohol or anyone unable to provide proof of identification and age when requested (acceptable proof of identification is a current Passport or a current Drivers Licence, including Provisional Licences).


​Drugs are no less illegal at My Dad’s Bigger Than Your Dad Festival than anywhere else in society and dealing in or use of illegal drugs will not be tolerated at the festival.  Anyone found to be using or selling illegal drugs in the park will be evicted and may even be treated to a free ride in a police car.

Food & Non-Alcoholic Drinks

We will have stalls selling a variety food and drink produced by local establishments and providers, plus the Town Gardens Cafe near the Bandstand will be open with their usual offerings. You are welcome to bring your own picnic into the Bowl should you wish, however, please note, as per the above, no alcoholic beverages can be brought into the Bowl.


To help keep the event clean, tidy and enjoyable for everyone please use the general waste and recycling bin provided onsite and in the Bowl.


Please do not bring any glass bottles or containers onsite as they can cause harm if they smash.  Any found during entry searches will be confiscated.


Water will also be available free to any wristbanded attendees as it is important to stay hydrated throughout the festival, especially if we have hot weather on the day.

Artist Line Up

As at any festival, the artist line up is liable to change, and while intended start times are published for all acts playing please be aware that at events as complex as this there can be unforeseen delays. The organisers and festival staff / volunteers cannot be held responsible for any changes to acts playing and / or start times that result in you missing a performance.


For the latest information on line ups and timings before and throughout the festival please make sure you check or are subscribed to any of the My Dad’s Bigger Than Your Dad Festival social media channels. If there are any changes on the day these will be announced at regular intervals.

Image Rights Waiver

By attending the festival you give your express consent for you / your likeness to be included in any film / video, photography and / or audio recording that can be used by My Dad’s Bigger Than Your Dad Festival organisers in any and all media for any purpose at any time throughout the world, and the copyright of which is owned by My Dad’s Bigger Than Your Dad Festival without payment or compensation.


Apologies if this may sound heavy handed, but it is primarily just to cover so that social media sites can be accessed internationally.

Noise & Lighting

Prolonged or excessive exposure to loud music can cause damage to your hearing, so please remember to give your ears a break when watching live music and / or wear suitable earplugs.


Bright, flashing and / or strobing lights may be used during performances on the main stage.

Personal Safety & Crime

While all expected and reasonable efforts have been made to maximise safety for festival attendees, performers and staff, My Dad’s Bigger Than Your Dad Festival cannot make it absolutely 100% safe (much in the same way that the Town Gardens are not 100% safe at any other time of the year), so please take care when attending, both of yourselves and others around you.


Please report any unsociable or criminal behaviour you observe to festival staff / volunteers / security who will deal with it, as we do not want an inconsiderate minority ruining the festival experience for the majority.


Also make sure you keep track of your personal possessions while attending the festival, however if you do lose anything then check with festival staff as it may have been handed into organisers.

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